Luohong Wu

I am a PhD student in the Research in Orthopedic Computer Science group supervised by Prof. Dr. Philipp Fürnstahl at University Hospital Balgrist and University Zurich since Oct. 2022. My research interests focus on mixed-reality surgery training, especially medical holograms registration.

Previously, I received my master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) at ETH Zurich (GPA: 5.52/6.00), and my bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University (GPA:91.05/100.00). During my bachelor's study, I was also an Erasmus+ Exchange student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where I completed my bachelor's thesis (10.0/10.0).

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I am interested in exciting interdisciplinary challenges. This is an important reason why I chose the CSE program at ETHZ, which provides the students courses in different domains such as Robotics, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Control Theory, Computational Finance, Computational Geophysics, Computational Biology etc.

I have experience in Robotics, Ubiquitous Computing, Computer Vision, Computational Biology, Simulation, High-performance Computing. You can find my past projects bellowed.

Predicting Task-relevant Objects in Egocentric Videos
Luohong Wu, Xi Wang, Emre Aksan, Otmar Hilliges

Project page is under developing.

Keywords: Human Intention Prediction; Human Object Interaction; Human-centered Anticipation; Egocentric Vision

HoloRegi: Patient Registration with HoloLens
Juyi Zhang*, Junhao Zhang*, Luohong Wu*
* equal contribution

Keywords: Holographic Neuronavigation; AR; Patient Tracking

Climate change and Infectious Disease
Luohong Wu*, Chenyu Shen*, Wynne Katherine
* equal contribution

1st place in 2021 IBM Call for Code Research Challenge for Climate Change

Keywords: Data Science; Computational Biology; Climate Change; Infectious Disease; Machine Learning

Making Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) Faster
Adrian Hoffmann, Luohong Wu, Marc Styger, Max Eichenberger

Keywords: Robust Image Feature; Performance Optimization; Code Optimization

A Model Predictive Controller for Quadrupedal Locomotion
Luohong Wu, Dongho Kang, Stelian Coros

Keywords: MPC; Simulation; Quadratic Programming; Performance Optimization

The PRISMA: A Visual Feedback Display for Learning Scenarios
Luohong Wu, Bernardo Tabuenca (Supervisor)

13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence UCAmI 2019

Keywords: Ubiquitous Computing; Internet of Things; Ambient Display; Arduino

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